A Fatal Discovery
By Dan Pratt
November 2023
Dr Carlsbad rubbed his eyes before blinking rapidly. The telemetry display still showed the same data.
“Mitchels,” Carlsbad yelled into the open expanse of the observatory. “Mitchels, get in here. I’ve found something.”
Carlsbad stared at the monitor screen while footfalls echoed around the observatory as Dr Mitchels hurried towards the banks of monitors and displays.
“What is it?” Mitchels asked, panting slightly.
“A comet,” replied Carlsbad.
Mitchels leaned over Dr Carlsbad’s shoulder and peered at the telemetry display.
“Look at the size of it Mitchels, It has to have a diameter of at least 230km.”
Mitchels’ breathing slowed as he continued to study the data. “We have to check the telescope,” he said quickly.
“I calibrated it this morning,” Carlsbad said with a grin. “It’s real.”
Mitchels stepped back and looked at his colleague for the first time. Carlsbad was grinning from ear to ear. Mitchels understood, this was a major discovery. The biggest comet ever found.
“The Carlsbad Comet, it has a nice ring to it,” Carlsbad said leaning back in his chair.
“The Carlsbad Comet?” Mitchels asked.
“Oh right, I suppose it’s only fair I include you. You have been a big help after all,” Carlsbad said, his grin fading quickly. “The Carlsbad-Mitchels Comet.”
Mitchels turned slightly. All those hours spent at that same workstation and he wasn’t there when something was finally found. Anger and jealousy boiled up inside him.
Mitchels turned quickly to face his colleague. “We should celebrate, this is an amazing discovery,” he said with a big smile.
The grin returned to Carlsbad’s face. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
“I have a bottle of scotch that I have been saving for a special occasion,” Mitchels said as he walked towards his room.
Carlsbad turned back toward the screen and smiled. “The Carlsbad Comet is a much better name,” he said to himself.
“Any change?” Mitchels asked as he walked back towards the control console holding two glasses of whiskey and the bottle tucked under his arm.
“None,” replied Carlsbad as he took one of the glasses. “I was hoping to get a more accurate measurement of its diameter,” he continued, “thought it would be more impressive in the journals,” he grinned before draining his glass.
Mitchels took a sip from his own glass before offering the bottle to Carlsbad, who took it and poured himself another.
“I appreciate the gesture, but this whisky is pretty foul,” Carlsbad said before taking another gulp.
Mitchels laughed lightheartedly. “It doesn’t seem to be putting you off,” he said while looking down at his own glass, the same odd taste clinging to his tongue.
“Well, as you said, we are celebrating,” Carlsbad replied, finishing off his second glass.
Carlsbad put his glass down on the desk before coughing suddenly. “Oh wow, that must have gone down wrong,” he said with a laugh before coughing again.
“Do you need some water?” Mitchels asked with a smile.
“No, no,” Carlsbad replied through light coughs, “I’m fine.”
Carlsbad loosened his tie as he coughed into his hand.
“Are you sure? Sounds like you have something stuck in your throat,” Mitchels continued as he put his glass down next to Carlsbad’s.
“Actually, maybe I will have that water,” Carlsbad said.
Mitchels turned to walk towards the kitchen. Carlsbad held a hand to his chest and sighed. I won’t tell this part of the story he thought to himself. Typical that Mitchels would have some cheap crap.
He started to itch his neck and coughed again. Where was Mitchels with that water? Carlsbad noticed a rash spreading up his wrist. His eyes widened as he pulled his sleeve down, revealing a red rash across his forearm. He jumped out of his chair in a panic before having to steady himself on the desk as he began to cough again.
“Are you ok, Lewis?” Mitchels asked, a smile on his face.
Carlsbad paused, thrown by the use of his first name. In all the months the two men had worked together neither of them had used the other’s first name.
“I’m not sure,” Carlsbad replied while pulling the top two buttons of his shirt open. “I’m having trouble breathing.”
“Oh,” Mitchels said as he walked towards the control panel. “How strange.”
He leaned down and started to type, before noting down coordinates on a pad of paper.
Suddenly, the data being displayed on the screen started to disappear.
“What are you doing?” Yelled Carlsbad as he lurched towards the control panel.
Mitchels pushed him away with ease.
“I’m deleting the data you have gathered, Lewis,” Mitchels replied with a smile.
Carlsbad collapsed into his chair as his breathing turned raspy and the rash crept up his neck.
“That way, I can ‘discover’ the comet in a few days, maybe a week,” Mitchels continued. “The Mitchels Comet really rolls off the tongue, don’t you think?”
Carlsbad tried to respond but couldn’t.
“You don’t look too good Lewis,” Mitchels said as he turned to face him. “It must be the peanuts I put in the whisky bottle.”
Carlsbad’s eyes widened in fear.
“I’m glad you told me about your peanut allergy Lewis, I did make sure to keep the common area clear, but I had a packet in my room as a treat.”
Carlsbad lurched out of the chair to the floor and began to drag himself towards the kitchen. Mitchels turned back to the control panel and continued to erase the data.
Carlsbad’s breath became shallower as he reached up over the counter and pulled a first aid kit from the wall, before falling backwards. The first aid kit burst open, spilling its contents across the floor.
Carlsbad frantically searched for the EpiPen.
“Are you looking for this?” Mitchels called over, pulling the EpiPen out of his pocket and showing it to Carlsbad. “I’m sorry Lewis, I never did get you that glass of water.”
Carlsbad gripped at his throat as breathing became harder and harder until finally, his last breath came.

Dan Pratt Writes
Aspiring Writer & Author. Read my Short Stories & Microfiction, Creative Writing Blog, Lit Mag Roundup and List of Short Story Competitions.